Coral the Curious Octopus “Message in a Bottle” by: RJ Corey, the newest book from the author/illustrator in a retelling of Coral and her...
I met a wonderful lady at an our local farmers market worked with me to create her. She’s about 5” and so soft. I am thinking of working...
My books are a watercolor paper cut out style, here’s a total splash page I created.
Just a piece I love to do in different styles.
1st redraw of Coral from my 1st book (WIP)
This is a remake of my favorite page from book one where Coral is saying goodbye to her siblings as they floated off in the current.
A request from one of my daughters, I had a lot of fun drawing this one!
Left is my old style and right is the new current style of my art and books.
Noticing my colors had grown darker, pointed out by my lovely wife I went back and used my original color palette, thanks babe!
Just something I found funny and needed to draw it.
Crunch is the star of book 2 and is pictured here forgiving the a rock the hurt her head. We could all learn a lesson from her. Her book is...
(Work in progress) cover for my third book, still working on it, maybe, probably…idk
Here is Viktoria, she has a special relationship with Coral. Victoria is planned for book 3 and is being worked on now. A little puffer...
A page from book 3. Pollution is a subject that will be in all of my books to help bring awareness to kids that read them.
When drawing/animating assets are an art’s best friend, each item is a different file on this page allowing me to isolate a single image...
One of Coral’s 1st friends, interesting fact, Guppy the Orca Whale is the size of a guppy! Inspired by my daughter Phoebe and one of my...
Bud is what we call our oldest child Gadge, he loves sea turtles and so I named this character after him. Bud likes to munch on sea grass...
Nora reminds kids that they all have magic in them, sometimes it’s hidden and needs to be found! Coral comes to help Nora find the magic...
The fastest great white shark in the ocean! Maybe a bit too fast for his neighbors, Coral’s help is needed, “Coral Meets Zip the Shark” is...
This is Pokey Joe the sea urchin, one of Coral’s many friends. He needs help from Coral to get somewhere special. “Coral Meets Pokey Joe...
Tyrielle is named after my youngest daughter who loves to cuddle, I found it fitting to name her so. “Coral Meets Tyrielle the Cuttlefish”...
Sticky appears in several books, but just in the background. He a bit slower moving than the rest of his under water friends. “Coral Meets...
Kayla is a fun and playful dolphin but she has sensitive skin and gets sunburnt quickly. Kayla is a mammal and needs to breathe air, and...
One of Coral larger friends it’s a bit hard for Jake to even notice little Coral. Together they explore an unseen world for Jake and form a...
Besides Blue-Ringed Octopuses, Otters are my favorite animals and “Otter” has been a nickname for me since my teen years. “Coral Meets...